Project RED and our new baby chicks!

Today was a whirlwind! After volunteering with Project RED (Rural Education Day), where 1,400 Jackson County third graders learned about chickens (and more!), I stopped by Dexter Mill to pick up my family's baby chicks! Speaking of Dexter Mill - they are now selling my book in their store, so go buy a copy! Here are some photos from today. The peeps and cheeps of baby chicks might be my favorite sound in the world.

The kids loved my poultry game, where they got to guess which bird laid which egg. These are REAL poultry eggs! I drew each bird by hand using colored pencils and crayons.

My chicken presentation for Project RED. Every third grade teacher at the event received a copy of my book, Bawk Bawk in the Backyard, provided by the Jackson County Farm Bureau.

The rooster was a good boy. He crowed for every group of students! (Not my chickens...provided by the farm bureau for the event).

Our new baby chicks! This was years in the making, as our township did not allow chickens and I had to advocate for a new backyard chicken ordinance. It was approved two weeks ago!

Our new Golden Laced Wyandotte chick!

Our Silver Laced Wyandotte chick...or so we think!


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